You can recall McKayla Maroney at the London 2012 Summer Olympics. Where the then 16-year-old won gold and silver medals for herself. Injuries and large operations accompanied her wins, and earlier this year. McKayla Maroney revealed that she will no longer be participating in the sport she called her first passion. “She told Yahoo Beauty, “Obviously, my personality was completely wrapped up in gymnastics, and it was extremely hard for me to let go.
After the 2012 Olympics, as downtime due to injuries took her away from practicing. The 20-year-old young singer had a rough time, and her unhealthy lifestyle impaired her faith. “That was one of the hardest things for me, actually,” she notes. “I added weight because I didn’t work out eight hours a day, and my coaches weren’t pleased about it. But for a time, after I couldn’t really figure out, I really didn’t like my body. I wasn’t too safe to diet while I was playing. I was going to drink 24-ounce sweets, and my parents weren’t health freaks, either.

But [my perspective] has shifted entirely. I felt sick because I couldn’t work out; my body sort of freaked out, like, ‘We can’t lie in bed all day long! ’”
McKayla Maroney, coupled with her optimistic body confidence, has subsequently grown out of her funk and adopted a healthy lifestyle. “I’m a vegan now, and I’m into meditation and Pilates. I’m following this diet called Ayurveda,’ McKayla Maroney says. She also notes that her current workout regimen tends to keep her energized. She loves numerous routines: “Getting outside and switching it up is really important.” I strive to practice with a personal trainer two days a week” Although her Instagram bio may refer to her as “the one gymnast girl who fell at the Olympics,” she sure has come a long way, and we can’t wait to see what she’s doing next.”
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Objectively, McKayla Maroney is a badass. As she was 16 years old, as one of the “Fierce Five,” the gymnast brought home both a gold and a silver medal at the 2012 Olympics. Winning more in her adolescent years than many adults can in a lifetime.
As MDC points out, however, the immense successes of McKayla do not erase the reality that McKayla Maroney is a feminist in the public eye. Yeah, we have previously been down this road: a mega famous athlete is already facing backlash for her appearance, and McKayla is the next to be hit by gossip, sadly.
This year, McKayla is not going back to the Olympics. MDC reveals that McKayla Maroney is continuing her love for music. In comparison, she has a recent taste in makeup that has made her appear a bit different from when her profile was all over America’s TV screens at the 2012 Olympics. Combined with her being four years older than when she was at the London Games. All this prompted some viewers ask whether she got cosmetic surgery, even if she didn’t.
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However, McKayla Maroney took to Instagram to silence the haters, urging people to fundamentally concern themselves with something more than her beauty.
I completely understand why people are frustrated that I’m “changing,” I get it. But if there’s one thing I can guarantee you, it’s that I will never quit evolving. Life is all about developing, changing, and being yourself more and more, and I’ve done nothing but that for the last few years! I’ve actually come to the point that I know who I am, and what life I like. You can either love me or hate me for it. Any way, I respect you and wish you the best. Because anyone who has the confidence to be just who they are, no matter what everyone else says, is a true role model for me. And if I can encourage one person to live like that, then on this earth, I have done my job.
The message from McKayla Maroney is fine. In a variety of respects, we all adjust when we grow older. What matters is coming to love and support yourself every step of the way, something that Sasha Pieterse of Pretty Little Liars recently wrote an Instagram post about.